Vestry and Lay Leadership

The Vestry is our elected parish leadership, made up of twelve parishioners who serve for three-year overlapping terms, beginning with the Annual Meeting in February.

2024 Vestry

Peter Gaiser, Senior Warden
Ben Woodson, Junior Warden
Monica Cantwell, Register
John Hurley, Treasurer
Kim Appich
Akiko Cox
Fred Gibson
Wendy Forstall
Liz Leland
Mark Royce
Charley Silver
Charles Sisson
Gail Smith

Committee and Program Leadership

Buildings and Grounds: John Morris, Sam and Claire Palmer
Finance Committee: Karen Geier Smith
Memorial and Meditation Gardens: Chris Dills
Misconduct Prevention: Kathy Moore
Stewardship: Christian Reed

Other Ministries Leadership

Altar Guild: Sara Gibson

Daughters of the King: Kathy Moore

Flower Guild: Alexandra Hall

Outreach Committee: Gail Calabrese, Sharon Holcombe

Welcoming Ministry: Kathy Moore

Good Shepherd Players: Nancy Lavallee